5 Fun Facts About Me
Hi! I’m Harpo! And here’s some interesting things you might not know about me!
1. I’ve lost track of how many instruments I play
I started playing music over 25 years ago by learning a little piano, then clarinet, and later flute, saxophones, guitar, singing, percussion, and now I play several dozen different instruments at various skill levels!
My favorites to play are the woodwind family: saxophones, flutes, and clarinets.
2. I'm creating a new instrument: the "Holophonor"
It's a multi-looping device that allows you to synchronize any number of loops to a common pulse! Designed to work with existing hardware and software, it allows more freedom and flexibility in creating music spontaneously! It’s also the engine for my solo concerts, which allows me to sound like an entire band a once!
Details at harpo.me/projects/holophonor
3. I designed electronics for LED effects
I assembled the hardware and wrote the software to run individually controllable LEDs: each pixel can each be any color at any time! In addition to wiring the circuit boards, I also programmed the effects and designed the control logic to react to incoming messages from the lighting board!
Originally created for theatrical shows, I’ve also used them in lighting installations, a 3D printer, and even a Christmas tree!
Examples available at harpo.me/projects/ira
4. I played onstage with Weezer
In 2008, I won a radio contest and got to join a dozen others in playing a short set with Weezer in San Jose on their Hooternany tour! I submitted a video audition, got accepted, and even played a solo during “Island In The Sun” and “Beverly Hills”! It was an absolute blast, and still one of my favorite gigs of all time!
5. I teach theater tech to high school students
From a recent production of Mamma Mia!
In addition to operating sound, lighting, and projections for professional productions, I also mentor students at a local high school performing arts center. They get an entire master class over the course of several weeks, learning how to properly setup and teardown equipment, designing cues, working with the production team, and at the end, they operate the show themselves!
Sharing knowledge creates opportunities for everyone involved! I love teaching others, and especially younger students who are interested in the technical arts!
I also teach all these skills privately!
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