Rocky Horror - 2013
The only thing more bizarre than the Rocky Horror Picture Show is seeing Rocky Live!
Let's do the *Time Warp* again!
The annual Fall (Halloween) production highlights Green Valley Theatre Company’s season, and this year was no different!
Projection Design
This show used 3 projectors installed into the lighting grid in order to map the surfaces on the set design.
Multiple videos and effects could be simultaneously mapped to the set to create virtual “screens”, including:
Main center screen
Lyrics screen (over band)
Left and right curtains
Top draped partial curtain
Stage door
Lip couch
A temporary “pre-show” screen that comes down to reveal the set
Rain projections - “There’s A Light… (Over at the Frankenstein Place”
Alien Elbow Sex!
Blastoff! On multiple simultaneous screens!
Pre-recorded Material
In addition to the extensive “old film” archival footage, we filmed several sequences - the most elaborate was the pre-show “Educational Film”, to inform the audience about how to (and not to) properly interact with the show.